10:00 AM | Kelly Andrade
Assistant Product Manager | Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. (USA)
10:05 AM | Kelly Andrade
Assistant Product Manager | Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. (USA)
CIL Products for Biomolecular NMR
10:20 AM | Harald Schwalbe, PhD
Professor | Jaohann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Institut für Organische Chemie und Chemische Biologie (Germany)
Rapid RNA NMR Assignment Process
10:40 AM | Tatyana Polenova, PhD
Professor | University of Delaware (USA)
Integrative Structural Biology of Protein Assemblies: Challenges and Opportunities for Magnetic Resonance
11:00 AM | Matthew Merritt, PhD
Associate Professor | University of Florida (USA)
Measuring β-oxidation in the perfused liver with [D15]octanoate
11:20 AM| Qiuwei Xu, PhD
Senior Principal Scientist |Merck (USA)
Examples of Quantitative NMR Analyses in Pharmaceutical Industry
11:40 AM | Gerhard Wagner, PhD
Professor | Harvard Medical School (USA)
The Power of Isotope Labeling NMR of Proteins
12:00 PM | G. A. Nagana Gowda, PhD
Research Associate Professor| University of Washington (USA)
Isotope Labeling in NMR Spectroscopy Based Metabolomics
12:20 PM | Sarah Keane, PhD
Assistant Professor | University of Michigan (USA)
Structure Determination of Large RNAs by NMR
12:40 PM | Kelly Andrade
Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.
Closing Remarks
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