CIL’s NMR solvents are the preferred solvents worldwide for academic, pharmaceutical, industrial and government researchers. Our chemists employ methods for solvent purification that improve upon our already high standards for chemical and isotopic purity. We have increased production capacity in our state-of-the-art facilities to meet our customers’ growing demands.
CIL has two dedicated NMR for in-process testing, as well as three additional NMR spectrometers in our Quality Control department. Our solvents are packaged under an argon or a nitrogen atmosphere to ensure the purity is not compromised during packaging. CIL uses amber ampoules and bottles which protect those solvents that exhibit light sensitivity. Every bottle or box of ampoules is clearly marked with a lot number for proper identification. Every lot of CIL solvent is routinely tested for both chemical and isotopic purity prior to release to inventory.
Prior to use and after each dispensation, each lot is checked for chemical purity and moisture. 1H NMR data is acquired for each solvent we manufacture and some solvents are tested for purity by GC/MS for contaminants which would not be observed by 1H NMR.
CIL’s Quality Control department tests for water content in our solvents use the Karl-Fisher titration method and our deuterated chloroform is tested for the presence of phosgene. All of our chlorinated solvents are tested for acidity.
NMR Solvents Data Chart and Storage
Buchem BV is proud distributor for CIL products in the Benelux.
Contact us for further information.